Call 2018

Selected projects

Toward sustainable drought management: lessons from the multiple historical records

Earth and Environment

This proposal aims to initiate the collaboration between two teams of C-CIA (Climate Change Impacts and Risks in the Anthropocene) lab of UNIGE and HECL (Hydrology and EcoClimate Lab) of Yonsei. In this study, we are interested in understanding historical drought events across the Pacific, including Central South America and South East Asia with the data from the multiple sources. HECL, expertized in the drought analysis over the globe, plans to construct the drought index such as SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index) over the regions across the Pacific using historical climate data sets such as NCEP and CRU. C-CIA plans to construct the historical drought data using historical archives from Korea and tree-ring data (dendroclimatology). Analyzing such drought-related data from the multiple sources together will improve our understanding of the spatial and temporal variations of historical droughts. Causes, effects, and possible mitigation of drought processes will be assessed, which are similar or different among the regions across the Pacific. At last, such understanding will provide us better management (mitigation or adaptation) strategies for possible future drought events. The detailed work packages for such study will be arranged and discussed through a joint workshop/seminar as well as occasional Skype meetings between UNIGE and HECL.

Prof. Markus Stoffel
University of Geneva
Prof. Yeonjoo Kim
Yonsei University